Wednesday, September 7, 2011


      The motorist can save a lot of time and money if he sees to it that the electrical system of his car is always in good condition.
      Batteries should be inspected regularly since a week battery must not be allowed to remain unchecked.
      A sick sounding horn or one that doesn't honk at all may also indicate a battery that is not working up t

      Here are some tests can do yourself to determine the condition of you car's battery
      Turn on the headlight. If they appear dim along with the dash light especially when you attempt to start the
car, the battery is being dischargedo par.
      There is also something wrong with your car battery if your FM radio won't play while AM  radio does
      Another procedure that a motorist must be able to perform is making emergency hook-ups.Proper hook-up of the booster cables from your car to another car is important. There are four steps to be done; turn off the lights, radio and other electrical accessories; then remove the vent caps of the two batteries and cover them with rags; after these start the hook-up sequence.
      The hook-up sequence is as follows: from the positive of the booster battery to the disabled car battery; from the negative of the booster battery to the engine of the disabled car.
      When performing an emergency hook-up remember to start the car whose battery will be used as a booster first and then start your disabled car.
     To disconnect, do the procedures outlined.
      Aside the battery, there are other parts of the car's electrical system that must be kept in good condition.
These include the contact set (points), spark plugs and the condenser.
      The contact point gradually wear, causing loss of power and poor mileage. These should be checked and replaced during a normal tune-up.3.Contact points usually last for 10,000 miles. This also true of the condenser. The spark plugs be checked and replace whenever necessary. (See: Your car needs a spark plug check-up, motoring section).
      Without a properly functioning electrical system, starting the car might be difficult, gas mileage will be reduced and the overall performance of your vehicle will be poor
      Car are with either an ammeter, generator or alternator indicator light. During normal car operations this indicator will register in the "charge" position. If it continually register discharge, you should have it checked right away Many cars today are equipped with a warning light system. The light will be extinguished during normal operations of the auto mobile if the electrical system is functioning properly. If the light is on during normal driving, have the car checked as soon as possible to locate where the trouble is. .

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