One of the most dreaded disease in the whole world is cancer, followed by heart disease and AIDS.
Thousand die of cancer of the breast lungs and liver.
But it does not have to happen to you.
It has been found that an improved diet can prevent up to 40 percent of all carcinogens or black them before it's too late.
This is based on the fact that food is one the basic fuels of our body of which we have full control of.
And to top it all, anti-cancer eating is easy.
Here are 14 ways to change your diet in such a short time
Eat a lot of pectin a fruit and vegetables fiber that's more beneficial than bran. This is what the Japanese and Finnish do to prevent the most prevalent type of cancer-cancer of the colon. A pectinrich snack before bedtime pizza. Fruits that are rich in pectin are apples, strawberries, tamarind, calamansi, or lemon, oranges and dalanghita.
Bake it, don't burn it; the most potent mutagens (chemicals that cause genetic changes in cells)are pyrylosates created when food is burned.These can result from simply toasting bread too dark or charcoal broiling a steak or fish. Foods that are sauteed or stir-fried are safer and higher in the cancer blocking fiber.
Eat cabbage or one of its cousins broccoli and cauliflower often. These vegetables all contain the cancer-fighting substance called a caucifer.
An average of 30 % of all cancer deaths are due to smoking. There is only one way to absolutely avoid this to stop completely. It is easier said than done but, as they say, "If there is a will there is a way" To top it all, off, if you do not stop smoking, you are the cause of cancer for those who are around you when you smoke, due to the pollutant you puff into the air which they breathe in too.
Don't have a coffee break. Take time for a carotene cocktail add tea spoon of cream to one glass of carrot juice and it'll taste superb; The cream helps absorb the beta-carotene which inactivates the blocking shields on the surface of the cancer cells.
Reduce your exposure pollution, drugs and sexual promiscuity and you correspondingly reduce your cancer risk. Avoid over-exposure to sunlight, especially from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to avoid cancer of the skin.
Do you love to eat those healthful nuts? If so, eat them freshly roasted or buy them in the shell and be ready to dispose of any piece that has any moldy or rotten part. This is definitely loaded with aflatoxin, one of the chemicals strongly suspected to be associated with cancer induction in humans.
If you drink, drink moderately and take adequate B-Complex and C vitamins when you drink alcohol. Alcoholic beverages have been noted to bring carcinogens to the body's tissues, especially the liver.
Fiber fights cancer, Adequate in take of fruits and vegetables ensures the presence of the all important fiber in the body to sweep those carcinogens away.
Cut out coffee and those caffein filled tea cups, and theobromine filed chocolate bars. Excess caffein and theobromine have been licked to cancer of the ovary, bladder pancreas and bowel.It has been stated that drinking tea with lemon juice causes polymers which are carcinogens to migrate into your cup.
Reduction of saturated fat reduces your risk of cancer more than any other diet factor besides weight loss. If you use to eat one pounder steaks how about eating only half a pound?
Have sufficient intake beta carotene we have a fruit mango which is in season mow which is very high in this anti-cancer vitamin.
Remember vitamin C stays in the body only for a few hours and so it is best to take it in divided dosages of three or four times a day.
Now the seven warning signs of cancer change in bowel and bladder habits, a sore that does not heal, unusual bleeding discharge,thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere, indigestion or difficulty in swallowing, obvious changes in wart or moles, and nagging cough. Add to ensure you drastically reduce your cancer risk and after any meal with cancer components, have an anticancer protein digestive enzyme